There are a few different reasons why your car might not be turning off when you try to turn it off. It could be that there is an issue with the ignition, the battery, or another key component of the car.
– Make sure the car is in park and the emergency brake is engaged before you try to turn it off.
– Try turning the car off with the key instead of using the push button ignition.
– Check to see if all the lights on the dash board are off before you turn the car off. If any of them are still on, that could be draining power from the battery and causing the car to stay on.
– Make sure there isn’t anything blocking the car’s exhaust pipe. If there is, that could prevent the car from turning off properly.
– Lastly, if none of these things work, it’s possible that there is a problem with the car’s computer system. In this case, it’s definitely best to take it to a mechanic. #ryansservicenter, #carrepair, #autorepair
Why wont my car turn off