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What is the difference between scanning a car and diagnosing a car?

What is the difference between scanning a car and diagnosing a car?

Scanning a car and diagnosing a car are related processes, but they involve different steps in understanding and fixing issues with the vehicle.

  • Scanning a Car:
    •  Scanning a car is like using a special tool to look for problems. This tool connects to the car’s computer and reads the information it gives.
    •  The tool used is often called an OBD (Onboard Diagnostics) scanner. It helps to check if the car’s computer has any messages about things that might not be working right. The scanner can show codes or messages that give clues about possible issues in the car.
  • Diagnosing a Car:
    •  Diagnosing a car is like finding out what’s wrong after scanning. It’s when a mechanic looks at the information from the scan and figures out what needs fixing.
    • The mechanic uses their knowledge and experience to understand the codes or messages from the scan. They might do more tests or checks to pinpoint the exact problem. It’s like solving a puzzle to make the car work better.

In simple terms, scanning is the first step where the tool checks for messages from the car’s computer, and diagnosing is the second step where a knowledgeable person interprets those messages and figures out how to fix the car. It’s similar to a doctor checking your temperature (scanning) and then figuring out if you have a cold or need medicine (diagnosing). #ryansservicenter, #carrepair, #autorepai

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